Finca Prats el ponernos todas las facilidades del mundo para realizar el trabajo, de verdad, da gusto trabajar en complejos así!
Y por supuesto, dar las gracias a Ivette y a Brian por haber confiado en mi para este día tan importante y emotivo para ellos.
Here is a short summary of the wedding of Ivette and Brian in Lleida.
A wedding in which I do not know if they shed more tears or rainwater, because it rained, what a storm!!, thank goodness I had prepared plan B in case it rained and the weather gave us a 5 minute truce to be able to do a few photos after the ceremony, thank goodness !!
Also thank the people of Finca Prats for giving us all the facilities in the world to do the job, really, it’s nice to work in complexes like this!
And of course, to thank Ivette and Brian for trusting me for this important and emotional day for them.